In the Mixer, click the "mute" button on the "chords" channel.
Open the attached mscz file, or have a score with some chord symbols in it.screenshot of the mixer and playback controls in that project.MuseScore 4 project file with the relevant channels.
Still, in the exported MIDI, the chords are played.
Selecting a chord symbol in the score, choosing "Select… Similar on this staff" and unchecking "Play" in the Properties toolbar. In "Playback Controls" toolbar, unchecking "Play chord symbols". In the Mixer, setting the volume of the "chords" channel to the minimum value, and also muting the channel with the "mute" button. This, even though the chords channel is muted and "chord symbols playback" is disabled. When I export a MIDI file of the main score, which contains chord symbols, the exported MIDI file includes the realized chord notes, played with a piano sound, in addition to the actual part notes. This bug was originally created by user room34.